The Postman

The friendly Bob rides his bike through the charming village every day. Bob is a warm postman who has a good word for everyone. His dog Boris is his faithful companion and steals many a heart. Bob not only brings the mail around but also keeps an eye on the older ones in the village every now and then. If someone is ill or if a villager is on holiday, Bob is always the one who knows about it.


On a beautiful sunny day when Bob delivers the mail to the school, he sees a girl who is not familiar to him. She lives briefly in the village and because of her disability, she is in a wheelchair. That is also the reason why she cannot play along with the other and Bob feels a certain form of pity rise in him and goes to her. She tells him that her name is Sofie and Bob extends his hand to her.

“Hello Sofie,” he says kindly. ‘I am Bob, I am the postman here in the village and this is my dog Boris who goes with me every day. Would you like to pet him?’

Boris proudly raises his head and walks happily to Sofie, who gently strokes him over the head. Sofie smiles from ear to ear and Boris clearly shows that he likes her. Circles her wheelchair and wags whit his tail wildly.

‘Would you like to go out with us,’ Bob asks. “We can show you what it’s like to deliver the mail together and in the meantime, you get to know the other residents.”

‘I would like that, but I have to ask my parents first,’ Sofie replies.

‘Of course, I would also like to meet your parents and then we can make an appointment with them.’

“Yes, I would love that,” Sofie exclaims excitedly, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

“Alright, then let’s go to your parents and then we can ask them,”

The three of them arrive at Sofie’s house, where her parents are already waiting for her. Bob introduces himself and warmly welcomes them to the village. Sofie’s parents tell him where they come from and that they moved because they were looking for a quieter environment so that Sofie could go outside.

Bob gets a cup of tea and afterwards, they make an appointment when and what time he comes to get Sofie to deliver the mail with her.


On the appointed day, Sofie is already waiting for him with excitement and from behind the window she sees Bob and Boris coming from afar. Bob on his bike and Boris running stately next to him.

Bob has stored his mail in the mailbags on the back of his bike so that Sofie can sit in the front of the box. Cautiously, he lifts Sofie out of her wheelchair and puts her in the box. He ensures that she is securely fastened with special safety straps. Bob and Sofie cycle through his neighborhood and Boris walk proudly and self-importantly next to him as usual. Occasionally Boris looks cheerfully at his new girlfriend and Sofie encourages him lovingly.


So today the mail is not only delivered by Bob and his dog, no Sofie also doing her bit today and she loves it. The letters disappear into the bus intended for them and before she knows it, they are ready and Sofie has made a lot of new friends.

Tired but satisfied, Bob brings her home again and Sofie thanks him for this beautiful day, Boris gets a big hug, and she feels incredibly special and loved.


One day the residents hear that the mail is not being delivered, but that they must come and collect their mail themselves at the post office. They hear that Bob is ill and unfortunately cannot deliver the mail. For the people who are fit enough is that not a problem, but the old people, or those who have difficulty whit walking, cannot pick up their mail. Sofie thinks that she must do something about it and decides to bring the mail around, together with Boris. After all, Boris knows the route on his, so to speak, paws.

First, she picks Boris up and then she rides in her wheelchair to the post office where they helped her to tie the saddlebags on Boris’ back. They go out together, Sofie in her wheelchair and Boris walks quietly next to her.

They deliver the letters and parcels to the people’s homes and every time they deliver a letter, Boris barks and puts the letter in front of the door. The funny thing is that the mailbags may be empty, but all the villagers give Sofie a nice card or a piece of fruit and some give flowers to Bob and so Sofie returns with a full mailbag to Bob, who is extremely grateful to her for it.

Fortunately, Bob recovers quickly and can deliver the mail himself, sometimes alone with Boris, but Sofie is often there too during the holidays.


The friendship between the friendly postal worker and his villagers is remarkably close and he can often be found at parties and at the annual BBQ he is regularly put in the spotlight, and he always mentions the major help he receives from Boris and Sofie.